World’s most dangerous roadways root – Way to Mustang Nepal
harye 'rthe na tvam socitum arhasi SYNONYMS jatasya--one who has taken his birth; hi--certainly; dhruvah--a fact; mrtyuh--death; dhruvam--it is also a fact; janma--birth; mrtasya--of the dead; ca--also; tasmat--therefore; apariharye--for that which is unavoidable; arthe--in the matter of; na--do not; tvam--you; socitum-- to lament; arhasi--deserve. TRANSLATION For one who has taken his birth, death if certain; and for one who is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament. PURPORT One has to take birth according to one's activities of life. And, after finishing one term of activities, one has to die to take birth for the next. In this way the cycle of birth and death is revolving, one after the other without liberation. This cycle of birth and death does not, however, support unnecessary murder, slaughter and war. But at the same time, violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order. The Battle of Kuruksetra, being the will of the Supreme, was an inevitable event, and to fight for the right cause is the duty of a ksatriya.
Why should he be afraid of or aggrieved at the death of his relatives since he was discharging his proper duty? He did not deserve to break the law, thereby becoming subjected to the reactions of sinful acts, of which he was so afraid. By avoiding the discharge of his proper duty, he would not be able to stop the death of his relatives, and he would be degraded due to his selection of the wrong path of action. TEXT 28 avyaktadini bhutani vyakta-madhyani bharata avyakta-nidhanany eva tatra ka paridevana SYNONYMS avyakta-adini--in the beginning unmanifested; bhutani--all that are created; vyakta--manifested; madhyani--in the middle; bharata--O descendant of Bharata; avyakta--nonmanifested; nidhanani--all that are vanquished; eva--it is all like that; tatra--therefore; ka--what; paridevana--lamentation. TRANSLATION All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation? PURPORT Accepting that there are two classes of philosophers, one believing in the existence of the soul and the other not believing in the existence of the soul, there is no cause for lamentation in either case. Nonbelievers in the existence of the soul are called atheists by followers of Vedic wisdom. Yet even if, for argument's sake, we accept the atheistic theory, there is still no cause for lamentation. Apart from the separate existence of the soul, the material elements remain unmanifested before creation. From this subtle state of unmanifestation comes manifestation, just as from ether, air is generated; from air, fire is generated; from fire, water is generated; and from water, earth becomes manifested. From the earth, many varieties of manifestations take place.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
World’s most dangerous roadways root – Way to Mustang Nepal
# मनोरन्जन

About Durga Pangeni
मन परे दिलमा मन नपरे डिलमा Freelance Blogger.
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