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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

खर्लप्पै देखियो ज्योतिको छाती

3 decibel exchange rate means that when the sound energy doubles, the decibel level increases by three; DBA means a measure of sound level in decibels using a reference sound pressure of 20 micro Pascal’s when measured on the A-weighting network of a sound level meter; Demolition means the tearing down, destruction, breaking up or razing of the whole or part of a building or structure;

Designated signaler means a person designated to give signals in accordance with section 191.Detonator means a blasting detonator, an electric blasting detonator or a similar device used to detonate explosives. Detonator leg wire means an electric wire attached to a detonator.

Detonating cord means a cord containing explosives of sufficient strength to detonate other explosives; Director in Part 36 means the Director of Inspection whose duties include mines; direct supervision means that a competent worker (a) is personally and visually supervising the worker who is not competent, and (b) is able to communicate readily and clearly with the worker who is not competent;

discard means solid or liquid material that is removed or rejected during mining or processing operations because it has no current use, but that may be of future use; distant work site means a work site that is more than 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes travel time from a health care facility, under normal travel conditions using available means of transportation.